Wednesday, November 28, 2007

retail therapy

What a lame blogger I've been. Part of it is that this has been the house of crud for the past week...and then some. Sophie is beyond grumpy from being sick and cooped up and is now a zombie. The other part is that I've been working in Santa's sweatshop. He doesn't pay me or give me any breaks to post. Somebody get Michael Moore on the phone.
I got to do some shopping over the weekend, here are some of my goodies:
The fabric is all for Christmas projects. The cute little owl napkin holder is for me. I have such a huge crush on owls right now. I love this jacket. And these shakers. Ooh, and I got a Dean Martin Christmas cd I'm gonna bust out tomorrow when we kick off our SUPER DUPER HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA weekend. Please forgive the caps lock abuse. I really can't help being a geeky little Christmas elf. Dave is definitely not as into it as I am. Sometimes I worry that Sophie will inherit her daddy's cool as a cucumber-ness and they will both stare at me with bored expressions on their gorgeous faces as I bop around every year in my reindeer antlers singing along to Bing Crosby at the top of my lungs. But that's silly. All kids love Christmas. We've been reading Twas the Night Before Christmas and she loves it. "A-din, Mama" she says every time we finish.
Well, back to the sweatshop before Santa busts me.


valerie said...

sophie isn't better yet? i guess sniffles happen.
she'll love all the christmas traditions you bring into her life. i'm soooo thrilled about putting up christmas decorations too. and of course, seems curtis could care less. but our enthusiasm makes up for the lack of it our significant others have... well, i need to put in some hours in santy claws' workshop. i haven't even started. in fact, i better go now.
p.s. can't wait to see pics of your tree!

Anonymous said...

Me, too. Me, too.
I haven't even started on my christmas yet, but for picking up the felted coasters that I started last year. That only cuz I can work on those from the bed. All this sickness stuff is just a crock. Not fun. Not fun atall! I'll probably be up all night cuz I slept most of the day. Even the animals are suffering my neglect. Good thing hubby likes micro-mac and cheese!
Love your little owl! There's a local estate sale starting tomorrow that lists a Singer Featherweight with the original table! Boy, am I bummed not to have wheels or even the energy to use them if I had!
Can't wait to see what you do with your christmas fabrics.