Monday, May 5, 2008

hello, baby bunting(flags)

Friday night I got together with some crafty chicas,and we sewed until midnight. It was good, good medicine. I made these bunting flags. I had to make some after seeing these. Sorry my picture is so crappy, my camera batteries were dying so I had to act fast. I used pinks and blues and greens to sort-of coordinate with Sophie's quilt. Her room was looking kind of blah, and these liven things up a little in there.


valerie said...

cool! it's kind of hard to see the colors, but i bet sophie's bedroom looks even more precious than before. did you finish them all in one night? i tried calling yesterday... i'd call now but i have a feeling you're cooking dinner, so call me when you get a chance!

Sarah Brooks said...

Ah, so cute! I bet y'all had a great time. Wish I could have come! So glad it was fun.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what they said, ...except I'll add that I love the photograph, taken through the windows, of the white building in back. It will be a sad day when it comes down. I think it gives such a homeyness to your place. Don't ask me why, 'cept I've always been partial to white-painted wooden structures. guess it's the southerner in me, eh?(and I thought I didn't have ANY!)

Michael said...

Happy Mothers' Day! I'll have to get you a new camera for your birthday...

Sarah Brooks said...

I tagged you. See my blog for the rules if you wanna play.

Hope you are feeling better. How did your doctors apt. go?

valerie said...

no halloween post yet? i think this time of year is perfect to bring something dead back to life. haven't you ever seen frankenweenie?